About Me

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I love the outdoors and living an active and healthy lifestyle. My favourite thing in the world is being with my friends and family in some back-country region of Ontario and having the entire location to ourselves.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Uptown Waterloo Jazz Festival

Dr. Draw under the lights at Waterloo Jazz Festival

It was a beautiful night. We decided to walk to downtown Waterloo and take in the Uptown Waterloo Jazz Festival. This festival is one of the amazing things that Waterloo does to attract people to the downtown core. They have numerous events like this each summer. This jazz festival goes on for the whole weekend. The highlight of the evening was a Russian born, Canadian raised eletric violin rocker named Dr. Draw who kept us all very entertained for most of the evening.

Dr. Draw's new album is Urban Rush. Here's his latest video Ave Maria

Janice and Sarah walking to the festival

The weather was fantastic. Katie needed an ice cream to cool herself off.

The band played a number of high energy songs including Donna Summer's "Love to Love You Baby" which got the crowd moving. Katie was quite enamoured with the Dr. Draw. We decided to get their CD and Katie got it signed by the Electric Violinest himself.

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